Parameter reference

There are a number of settings that can be specified in a pi file, and each of the SOFT modules introduces its own set of options. In this section a complete list of all the options that can be set in a pi file are given.

Global options

Default value: 0
Example line: debug=1
Allowed values: 0 or 1

If set to 1, debug output will be generated and written to stdout during the run. Default value is 0.

Default value: yes
Example line: domain_has_outer_wall=no
Allowed values: yes or no

If set to no, ignores all points of the wall/separatrix outside \(R = R_m\), where \(R_m\) denotes the radial coordinate of the magnetic axis. This will allows the placement of a detector outside the device. The mid-pole will still be present to block out radiation.

Default value:
Example line:
Allowed values:


Default value: None
Example line: magnetic_field=numeric
Allowed values: circular and numeric

Specifies the name of the magnetic field handler module to use. Either circular or numeric.

Default value: None
Example line: maxtimestep=1e-11
Allowed values: Any positive real value

Sets the maximum allowed size of a timestep in the equation solver (whichever it may be). If the adaptive timestep becomes larger than this, it is automatically adjusted to this value. By default there is no limit on how long the timestep can be.

Default value: no
Example line: nodrifts=yes
Allowed values: yes or no

If set to yes, ignores the drift terms in the first-order guiding-center equations of motion (effectively solving the zeroth-order guiding-center equations of motion). This option only influences behaviour of the code when the guiding-center equations of motion are solved. By default the value of this option is no so that the drift terms are kept.

Default value: 0
Example line: progress=10
Allowed values: Any non-negative integer

Specifies how many times during the run SOFT should print information about the current progress. Information will be printed in uniform steps as particles (defined as points in phase-space) are completed.

Default value: Number of threads suggested by OpenMP
Example line: threads=3
Allowed values: Any positive integer (no upper limit)

Overrides the number of threads started by each (MPI) process. By default, SOFT will start the number of threads indicated by the OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable in each process.

Default value: 1e-12
Example line: tolerance=4e-13
Allowed values: Any positive real number

Specifices the tolerance in the RKF45 solver. The default tolerance is set by the tool used in the run. The orbit tool defaults to a tolerance of \(10^{-7}\), while the sycamera defaults to a tolerance of \(10^{-12}\).

Default value: None
Example line: useequation=guiding-center-relativistic
Allowed values: guiding-center, guiding-center-relativistic, particle, particle-relativistic.

Determines which set of equations of motion to solve. Note that the sycamera tool requires that the (relativistic) guiding-center equations of motion be solved. Possible values for this option are particle, particle-relativistic, guiding-center and guiding-center-relativistic.

Default value: None
Example line: usetool=sycamera
Allowed values: orbit, sycamera

Sets the name of the tool to use. Can either be orbit (which traces orbits), or sycamera (which computes various synchrotron-radiation quantities for runaway electrons).

Particle settings

Default value: One electron charge (i.e. -1)
Example line: charge=4
Allowed values: orbit, sycamera

The charge of the particle to simulate, in units of the elementary charge (\(e \approx 1.602\times 10^{-19}\,\mathrm{C}\)). The default value is -1, i.e. the electron charge.

Default value: None
Example line: cospitch=1,0.95,100
Allowed values: A number \(\in [0,1]\); A number \(\in[0,1]\); any positive integer

Specifies the range of cosines of the particle’s pitch anle with which to initiate orbits. The first argument specifies the first value in the range to give to particles, while the second argument argument specifies the last value in the range. The third argument specifies the total number of values to simulate. Example: cospitch = 0.999,0.97,10, while initiate ten particles with cosine of the pitch angle values between 0.97 and 0.999.

Default value: Yes
Example line: gc_position=no
Allowed values: yes or no

If set to yes, assumes that the position given specifies the guiding-center position when solving the guiding-center equations of motion. If set to no, the program instead assumes that the particle position is specified and compensates accordingly when solving the guiding-center equations of motion. Has no effect when solving the full particle orbit.

Default value: One electron mass (\(0.000548579909\,\mathrm{u}\))
Example line: mass=2
Allowed values: Any positive real number

The particle mass in unified atomic mass units (u). The default value is 0.000548579909, corresponding to the electron mass.

Default value: None
Example line: p=1e6,1.2e7,10
Allowed values: Any real number; any real number; any positive integer

Specifies the range of momenta with which to initiate orbits. The first argument specifies the first momentum value to give to particles while the second argument specifies the last momentum value. The third argument specifies the total number of momentum values to simulate. Example: p = 3e7,4e7,5.

Default value: None
Example line: pitch=0.05,0.15,14
Allowed values: A number \(\in [0,\pi]\); a number \(\in [0,\pi]\); any positive integer

Specifies the range of pitch angles with which to initiate orbits. The first argument specifies the first pitch angle to give to particles while the second argument specifies the last pitch angle. The third argument specifies the total number of pitch angles to simulate. Example: pitch = 0.03,0.25,15.

Default value: None
Example line: ppar=1e6,1.2e7,14
Allowed values: Any real number; any real number; any positive integer

Specifies the range of parallel momenta with which to initiate orbits. The first argument specifies the first parallel momentum to give to particles while the second argument specifies the last momentum value. The third argument specifies the total number of momentum values to simulate. Example: ppar = 3e7,4e7,5.

Default value: None
Example line: pperp=1e6,1.2e7,14
Allowed values: Any real number; any real number; any positive integer

Specifies the range of perpendicular momenta with which to initiate orbits. The first argument specifies the first perpendicular momentum to give to particles while the second argument specifies the last momentum value. The third argument specifies the total number of momentum values to simulate. Example: pperp = 3e6,7e6,15.

Default value: None
Example line: r=0.68,0.84,14
Allowed values: Any real number inside device; any real number inside device; any positive integer

Specifies the range of radii with which to initiate orbits. The first argument specifies the first radius to give to particles while the second argument specifies the last radius. The third argument specifies the total number of radii to simulate. Example: r = 0.68,0.84,80.

Default value: None
Example line: rdyn=0.84,14
Allowed values: Any real number inside device; any positive integer

Specifies the outermost radius at which to initiate orbits, as well as the number of radii to drop particles on. The innermost radius is automatically set as the magnetic axis, and particles will only be dropped at a radius in the interval if their “effective magnetic axis” radial location is less than the currently simulated. The “effective magnetic axis” arises due to orbit drifts, and if it’s presence is not properly accounted for, weird bright or dark spots will show up in synchrotron image (when orbit drifts are taken into account). Example: rdyn = 0.84,80.

Default value: 0,-1
Example line: t=0,1e-6
Allowed values: Any real number; any real number

The first argument of this parameter specifies the reference time. For most purposes this parameter is most conveniently set to 0. The second argument specifies the end time, at which point an orbit should be considered finished and no longer followed. If the second argument is less than the reference time (the first argument), the orbit will be followed for one full poloidal orbit, or until the simulation clock is greater than minus the end time.

Magnetic settings

Two different magnetic handler modules are provided with SOFT. These are the circular module, implementing a simple analytical magnetic field with a circular cross-section and constant safety factor, as well as the numeric module, which loads 2D numeric magnetic fields.

Performance-wise, the numeric module is somewhat slower than the circular model, due to that the former interpolates the 2D magnetic field with a cubic spline. The difference is however only about a factor of two.


Default value: 1
Example line: B0=5.2
Allowed values: Any real number

Specifies the magnetic field strength on the magnetic axis, i.e. on the circle \(R = R_{\mathrm{m}}, Z = 0\). In units of Tesla.

Default value: 1
Example line: major_radius=2
Allowed values: Any positive real number

Specifies the major radius of the tokamak. In units of meter.

Default value: 1
Example line: minor_radius=1
Allowed values: Any real number

Specifies the minor radius of the device. In units of meter. This parameter only influences the location of the walls of the tokamak, and does not affect the magnetic field.

Default value: 1
Example line: B0=1
Allowed values: Any real number

The safety factor, or \(q\)-factor of the tokamak magnetic field. In this analytical model of the magnetic field, the safety factor is a constant.


Default value: Set in equilibrium file
Example line: axis=0.68,-0.002
Allowed values: Any positive real number; any real number

Specifies the location of the magnetic axis in a poloidal plane. The first coordinate specifies the major radial location (\(R\)) of the axis, and the second coordinate specifies the vertical location (\(Z\)) of the axis. SOFT requires the magnetic equilibrium data file to give this value, but under some circumstances it may be desirable to override the value set in the equilibrium file, in which case this parameter can be used.

Default value: None
Example line: file=/path/to/magnetic/equilibrium.mat
Allowed values: Any real number

Specifies the name of the file containing the magnetic equilibrium data to use. The format that this file must have is described under Magnetic equilibria. The format of the file is determined by analyzing the file name extension. All file formats supported by the SOFT file interface can be used.

Default value: auto
Example line: format=mat
Allowed values: auto, hdf5 or mat

Overrides the format specifier for the magnetic equilibrium data file. auto is the default, which causes SOFT to determine the file format based on the filename extension. hdf5 causes SOFT to interpret the data file as an HDF5 file. mat causes SOFT to interpret the data file as a Matlab MAT file.

Default value: any
Example line: wall=separatrix
Allowed values: any, separatrix, wall

Specifies which type of wall should be used. Equilibrium data files can contain two types of “walls”, namely the actual tokamak wall cross-section or the separatrix/last closed flux surface. SOFT only requires one of these two types to be present in the data file, and with any set, the tokamak wall will be first be considered, but if it’s not present in the file, the separatrix will be used instead. The wall and separatrix options forces the use of either of the two types. The wall is the structure beyond which particles will be considered as lost and no longer followed.

sycout settings

A sycout (short for SYnchrotron Camera OUTput) is an output module that is coupled to the sycamera tool of SOFT. Currently the following sycouts are available:

  • green – Generates a Green’s function
  • image – Generates a camera image
  • polimage – Generates a camera image with polarization information
  • polspectrometer – Generates a spectrum with polarization information
  • space3d – Stores 3D information about the contributions to an image
  • spectrometer – Generates a spectrum
  • topview – Stores X and Y coordinates of contributions to an image. Creates a top-down “map” of contributions.


The green sycout allows you to generate Green’s functions for images, spectra or any kind of function you can imagine. Green’s functions are sometimes also known as weight functions and are essentially mappings from a distribution function to a quantity such as an image, spectrum or combination thereof.

Instructions on how to use this sycout are available under :ref:`geomkern`.

Default value: Auto-determined from output filename extension
Example line: format=mat
Allowed values: h5, hdf5, mat, out, sdt

Overrides the default setting for what file format to store the output in. If not set, the output file format is determined based on the filename extension of the output file. h5 and hdf5 forces HDF5 output. mat forces Matlab MAT output. out and sdt forces SOFT self-descriptive text (SDT) format output (text-based).

Default value: None
Example line: function=r12ij
Allowed values: Any (non-repeating) combination of the characters 1, 2, i, j, r, w

Sets the shape and contents of the Green’s function. A more detailed description of how this option works can be found under Geometric kernels.

Default value: None
Example line: output=outputfile.mat
Allowed values: Any non-line-breaking string

Sets the name of the output file. The format of the output file is determined based on the extension part of this setting unless the format option has also been specified. By extension is meant everything that comes after the last dot (.).

Default value: None
Example line: pixels=520
Allowed values: Any positive integer

Sets the number of pixels of the image, i.e. the number of elements in each of the i and j dimensions. Only required if either i or j appears in the function option.

Default value: no
Example line: stokesparams=yes
Allowed values: yes or no

If set to yes, each of the four Stokes parameters I, U, Q and V will be stored in the Green’s function (thereby giving it an extra dimension with four elements). If set to no, only the intensity parameter is stored, which is the value commonly measured by spectrometers and cameras.

Default value: 0
Example line: suboffseti=20
Allowed values: Any non-negative integer

Green’s functions for images tend to become quite large, and in many cases much of the Green’s function is zero and provides no interesting information. In these cases, a subset of the image can be stored so that the correct wide-angle image distortion is still present. These offset parameters specify the offsets in the i and j directions respectively from which the image that is to be stored should start.

Default value: Same as ``pixels``
Example line: subpixels=30
Allowed values: Any positive integer

Specifies the number of pixels in each of the i and j directions of the subset image. Since the subset image must lie within the full image, suboffseti``+``subpixels and suboffsetj``+``subpixels must both be less than or equal to pixels.


The image sycout generates a camera image.

Default value: intensity
Example line: brightness=histogram
Allowed values: bw, histogram, intensity

Specifies how pixels should be colored. With bw (for black-and-white), pixels are simply marked if they receive a contribution. Thus, if any radiation hits the pixel during the run, the pixel will contain the value 1 at the end of the run and 0 otherwise.

The histogram option specifies that each hit in a pixel should increase the value of the pixel by 1. The radiation intensity reaching the pixel is not considered.

The intensity option takes the emitted radiation intensity into account, including spectral effects (if enabled through other options).

Default value: yes
Example line: includeseparatrix=no
Allowed values: no and yes

Specifies whether or not to include separatrix data from the input magnetic equilibrium data file in the output. By default, it is set to yes. If no separatrix data is available, the separatrix variable is omitted from the output file.

Default value: yes
Example line: includewall=no
Allowed values: no and yes

Specifies whether or not to include wall data from the input magnetic equilibrium data file in the output. By default, it is set to yes. If no wall data is available, the wall variable is omitted from the output file.

Default value: None
Example line: name=output-file.mat
Allowed values: Any string allowed by the underlying file system

Specifies the name of the file to which the output will be written. The output is written through the SOFT file interface which means it will be either in a HDF5 file, a Matlab MAT file or a SOFT SDT (Self-Descriptive Text) format. The file format is determined based on the filename extension. For HDF5, use either .h5 or .hdf5, for Matlab MAT use .mat, and for SDT any other extension (though .sdt is recommended).

Default value: None
Example line: pixels=300
Allowed values: Any positive integer

Sets the number of pixels in the image. Images are always square and have the same number of pixels in the x (i) direction as in the y (j) direction.


The space3d can be used to store 3D data about the points of space that contribute to an image. A description about how to use it can be found in space3d.

Default value: None
Example line: output=name-of-outputfile.mat
Allowed values: Any string allowed by the underlying file system

Name of the file to which output should be written. The space3d module uses the SOFT file interface, meaning output can be written in either HDF5, Matlab MAT or SOFT SDT (Self-Descriptive Text) format. The format of the output file is determined based on the filename extension. For HDF5 use .h5 or .hdf5, for Matlab MAT use .mat, and for SDT use any other extension (though .sdt is recommended).

Default value: None
Example line: pixels=300
Allowed values: Any positive integer

When type=pixels, sets the number of pixels in each direction of the bounding box. A value of for example 100 means that there will be a total of \(100\times 100\times 100 = 1\,000\,000\) “pixels” in the box.

Default value: None
Example line: point0=.40,-.75,.20
Allowed values: Any real number; any real number; any real number

Specifies one of the two defining edge points of the bounding box.

Default value: None
Example line: point1=.63,-.15,-.20
Allowed values: Any real number; any real number; any real number

Specifies one of the two defining edge points of the bounding box.

Default value: None
Example line: type=pixels
Allowed values: pixels, real

Specifies the type of 3D object to store. pixels divides the bounding box into a number of smaller boxes and collects the contribution in each of those (the number of boxes is determined by the pixels option). This 3D type is fixed in size and is represented as a simple 3D array.

The real type stores the real location of each particle that contributes to the image. This 3D grows in size with the number of particles that hit the detector, and is stored as a sparse matrix. It’s usually very difficult to determine the final size of this 3D type, but it gives much more detailed data and can sometimes be the more space-efficient option.


The spectrometer sycout stores spectra.

Default value: None
Example line: name=spectrum.mat
Allowed values: Any string allowed by the file system

Name of the output file.


The topview sycout generates a top map of the tokamak, showing where in the xy-plane radiation comes from. Note that the image is line-integrated along the z direction, and bright areas in the top view therefore do not necessarily correspond to bright areas in the image.

Default value: intensity
Example line: brightness=histogram
Allowed values: bw, histogram, intensity

Specifies how pixels should be colored. With bw (for black-and-white), pixels are simply marked if they receive a contribution. Thus, if any radiation hits the pixel during the run, the pixel will contain the value 1 at the end of the run and 0 otherwise.

The histogram option specifies that each hit in a pixel should increase the value of the pixel by 1. The radiation intensity reaching the pixel is not considered.

The intensity option takes the emitted radiation intensity into account, including spectral effects (if enabled through other options).

Default value: None
Example line: name=output-file.mat
Allowed values: Any string allowed by the underlying file system

Specifies the name of the file to which the output will be written. The output is written through the SOFT file interface which means it will be either in a HDF5 file, a Matlab MAT file or a SOFT SDT (Self-Descriptive Text) format. The file format is determined based on the filename extension. For HDF5, use either .h5 or .hdf5, for Matlab MAT use .mat, and for SDT any other extension (though .sdt is recommended).

Default value: None
Example line: pixels=300
Allowed values: Any positive integer

Sets the number of pixels in the topview. Topviews are always square and have the same number of pixels in the x (i) direction as in the y (j) direction.